Third Party Fundraisers
Host a Fundraiser to Support Mutual Ground!
Mutual Ground defines a “Third Party Event” as an event hosted by an organization or individual where Mutual Ground is listed as a beneficiary of the event vs. a host of the event.
We appreciate the support of businesses, individuals, and groups who host fundraisers to benefit our organzation!
If you are interested or are planning on hosting a fundraiser to benefit Mutual Ground, please contact Betsy Santana, Advancement Director, at to discuss your idea!
Mutual Ground should be notified of the date, location, and type of fundraiser as soon as possible so that we can ensure it doesn’t conflict with another event.
When creating promotional items for the event, please contact. Mutual Ground for approval. This includes anything that might be sold at the event to raise money that has Mutual Ground’s name on it, such as bracelets, tee-shirts, signs, fliers, tickets, press releases, etc. We would also ask that you ask permission prior to using our logo on any promotional materials.
Promotions for the event should be worded as follows: “All proceeds or a portion of the proceeds will benefit/or be donated to Mutual Ground”. No promotional materials/fliers should say: “Hosted by Mutual Ground”.
Mutual Ground will not be responsible for any costs involved with hosting a Third-Party Fundraiser. The organization/individual hosting the event will be responsible for covering costs by self-funding, donations, securing sponsors, etc.
The Third-Party organization or individual is responsible for managing all money for event.
Mutual Ground cannot act as fiduciary agent and cannot provide a letter of our 501c(3) for purpose of not paying sales tax for items purchased for event.
A letter indicating our 501c(3) cannot be provided to solicit donations/sponsorships for your event for their tax purposes. If you are deducting expenses before sending net proceeds to Mutual Ground, you should not state or imply to your donors that any funds given to you are tax deductible, and you should not use the word “donation” because it implies that they are tax deductible.
If individuals want to write a check to the charity itself, it can be written to Mutual Ground, Inc.
Once event has concluded, kindly submit any money raised on Mutual Ground’s behalf to Mutual Ground, Inc. at 418 Oak Avenue Aurora, IL 60506.
Third-Party Organization/Individual is responsible for securing any event permits required by municipality where event is being hosted.
Third-Party Organization/Individual is responsible for providing event Insurance when necessary.
Mutual Ground cannot be held liable for details associated directly or indirectly with the event, including, but not limited to: expenses, purchases, insurance or liability coverage.
Sponsor is responsible for complying with all IRS regulations registrations applicable to the event.
The State of Illinois (as well as other states), requires registration of all gaming style events including raffles, bingo, casino nights, etc.
Visit http://www.ilga.gove/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=1400&ChapterID=25 for more information.
Federal tax laws disallow third-party events from using Mutual Ground’s Sales Tax Exemption number or Federal Employer Identification number when purchasing any goods or services from suppliers or vendors.