Planned Giving

Build a legacy of support and hope with your planned gift. The programs and services provided by Mutual Ground are made possible by generous donations from committed and concerned people just like you.

Include Mutual Ground in Your Will

The following language may be helpful to your lawyer as you prepare or update your will:

I give, devise and bequeath to Mutual Ground Inc., 418 Oak Ave., Aurora IL 60506, Tax ID #36-2921680, the sum of ____ (or otherwise describe the gift or specify a percentage of the estate) to be used for the general purposes of the organization.

Give a Gift of Life Insurance

Some of our supporters no longer need life insurance policies to provide for children or other family members. If that is your situation, please consider donating the policy to Mutual Ground. You will be eligible to claim a charitable donation for approximately the policy’s cash surrender value and the proceeds are then removed from your estate.

Ways to give a gift of life insurance include:

  • Add a beneficiary: you can name Mutual Ground as a primary or joint beneficiary on a policy.

  • Give a paid-up policy: this a great option for policies that have outlived their intended purpose.

  • Buy a new policy: You can make a significant gift by naming Mutual Ground as both the owner and beneficiary. The premium payments can be tax deductible.

  • Give a single premium policy for maximum benefits.

Gifts of Securities

If you have owned stock for at least one year that has increased in value, you can donate that stock to Mutual Ground without having to pay capital gains on the increase. Additionally, there is an income tax charitable deduction equal to the full current market value of the securities. In order to receive the most favorable tax treatment, you must donate the securities to Mutual Ground directly; you cannot sell the stock and donate the proceeds.

Retirement Plan Assets

With the increase in the variety of retirement plan assets that people own, it is important to make sure that the money invested in these accounts goes to the people or organizations that you designate. Retirement plans such as IRA’s, pension plans, Keogh and 401 (K) accounts should have clearly designated beneficiaries. Proper planning and naming Mutual Ground as one of your account beneficiaries can reduce tax burdens on retirement assets.


How do I get started with planning an estate gift for Mutual Ground?

Effective estate planning starts with a good attorney who will assist you in drawing up a plan that will ensure that your wish to make a difference is met. A plan will also allow your family to avoid the delay, dissension and needless expense that often occurs when a loved one passes away without a will. Because in that scenario property and finances are settled according to the state’s decisions, despite the family’s wishes.

Can an “average” person leave a legacy?

Definitely! Most people leave an estate when they die, even though they may not have a great deal of wealth. It’s a wonderful way to make a lasting difference. Bequests are one of the simplest forms of planned giving, and are a way to perpetuate your lifetime commitment to the care of persons with life threatening illnesses and the bereaved. With a bequest, you can make a gift that you may not have afforded in cash during your lifetime.

Is it important to designate specific instructions in my will?

To ensure that your gift comes to Mutual Ground, you should state your intentions in your will.

Can funds from a retirement plan or IRA be part of a bequest?

Yes – and the number of estates containing IRAs and retirement plan assets are growing. They are an attractive source of charitable bequests, because Mutual Ground can receive the funds with no tax liability and therefore can apply 100% of those assets to help our clients. By contrast, family members who inherit IRAs and retirement plan assets must pay income tax on them. By the time taxes are paid, some family members can receive as little as 15% of the retirement account. Simply name Mutual Ground as the beneficiary to your IRA and the funds will come directly to us.

Is it possible to make a gift for a specified purpose?

Yes! Mutual Ground puts every gift to work for our clients, but if you have a fondness for a particular program such as domestic violence, sexual violence, family programming, or substance use treatement, we would be delighted to apply your gift to a specific purpose. We’d be happy to discuss your special wishes.

Should I tell Mutual Ground about my estate plans?

Absolutely! It is incredibly helpful to our staff to be able to plan for the future of our programs. If you have included Mutual Ground in your estate plans, please let us know! We’d love to be able to thank you during your lifetime.

If you have ANY questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact Betsy Santana, Advancement
Director, at (630) 897-0084 ext. 154 or .

*No part of this information is intended as legal advice. Please consult with competent tax and legal
professionals to determine the best giving strategies for your situation.