The power of Reiki in healing Trauma

The concept of “trauma” means something different to everyone. It’s a word that carries an incredibly subjective interpretation. What is extremely traumatic to one, can be belittled, shrugged off and minimized by another, which raises the question, what exactly counts as trauma?

In terms of Reiki, trauma can include everything from a physical injury such as a broken bone or surgical scar, to a deep psychic insult that results in feelings such as loss, grief, anguish or even terror. These represent clear assaults to the integrity of the mind and body, and are easily identifiable as traumatic. But trauma can also arise from seemingly innocuous events, things that result in energetic disturbances that cause distress to the spirit. In Reiki, these are also considered trauma and are treated as such. 

Based on my experience working with people, I can say that an initial trauma can be caused in many ways. It can result from a physical injury, a health challenge, physical abuse, shock, sudden change, loss, or from mental/emotional abuse. But there are also other classes of trauma. Vicarious trauma, for example, involves internalizing the experience of another. This is particularly common in the healing profession itself. When a therapist or counselor connects empathically with a client or patient, they may actually internalize the emotions and experiences, causing them to take on the trauma as if they had experienced it themselves. Another form of trauma is trans-generational trauma. Passed from one generation to the next, this is actually much more common than people realize and they are often surprised to learn, that when left unhealed trauma can be passed down from one generation to the next. 

Trauma triggers a constant state of fear which leads to changes in the DNA. These changes are then passed on to our children who inherit fear responses rooted in trauma that they never experienced. It is liberating for people when they recognize this in themselves and are finally able to release it. It gives them the opportunity to connect compassionately with previous generations without being condemned to carry the horrific experiences of the past into their present lives. Letting go becomes much easier.

Our body is a beautiful fortress. It protects us from all that is out there and all that is within. With those experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the body cannot tell the difference between the past and the present.  So when exposed to a trigger, past trauma can be experienced as if it were happening in the now. So how can Reiki be used to aid the healing process when trauma is involved?

Reiki works on four levels: Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual. It is an energy system that can release stuck, blocked and stagnant energy, encouraging and stimulating healthy, positive, pure energy to flow in its place, which in turn can activate and promote healing. It is particularly useful for healing trauma, because the energy that is held in that space after a trauma occurs is of low vibration and it is this low vibration that blocks the flow of energy. After the blockages take place in our energy pathways, energy becomes denser and heavier emotionally and psychologically. Now the healthy energy has to find a different route to take so that human life is in the flow and is moving. Reiki helps to open and reset the healthy flow of energy.

In order to guide our work, we use the principles of the chakra system and metaphysics, a branch of philosophy that, among other things, examines the relationship between mind and matter.  According to metaphysics, the unhealthy beliefs and emotions that stem from a traumatic experience, if not processed and released, get stuck in the body, causing pain, discomfort, and dis-ease. So, for example, when working with someone who has experienced an emotional trauma, focusing on the heart space or the solar plexus can help to remove feelings of self-doubt and self-esteem. 

Our body is a miracle when it comes to its ability to store trauma at a cellular level. It is often the physical and emotional manifestations of the trauma that brings people in; the back pain, the fatigue or insomnia, a tight neck and shoulders, anxiety, depression (to name a few). Helping people make the connection between the event (the trauma) and the symptoms is often the first step in healing. Reiki can support this process by opening the heart space and allowing the person to feel again.

Reiki works on four levels; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. The beauty of energy work is that it knows no boundary of time or space. It can be done in a one on one in person session, in a group setting or remotely, through distance healing. It’s important to choose the setting that you are most comfortable with. It can also be used to treat the past, present or the future.  Reiki can be sent to a specific time and place in order to target the root of the experience/problem. Whether it’s a mental, emotional, physical or spiritual trauma, whether you’ve been carrying it for someone else, or have absorbed the effects second hand… Reiki can clear out the blockages on all levels, encouraging the flow of pure energy to aid the healing process.  My Reiki Master says “All healing is self-healing”. As we heal others, we automatically receive healing and this is wonderful since it brings relief to the practitioner and the client at the same time. Continuous energy healing is not only beneficial for the individual but as we heal as a group, we help to raise the energetic vibrations of our planet.

Written by
Syeda Aysha Aslam, MCP
Therapist at Mutual Ground


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