Is sexual assault still a problem in 2021?
As April approaches so does the reminder of sexual assault awareness. For all involved in supporting victims on a daily basis, we are very aware of the causes, the repercussions, and the trauma involved when sexual violence takes place. Sexual assault is a vast issue that impacts all people whether it is obvious or not.
A Volunteer’s Experience
My journey with volunteering at Mutual Ground began in the summer of 2020. I first connected with Mutual Ground to become a victim advocate. I took the 60 hour certification class via zoom and found an amazing group of advocates. I was able to participate in thought provoking discourse and discussion. With this course, I learned about the mission and the important work that Mutual Ground does in the community. During my training, I knew this was an organization I wanted to be a part of.
Teen Dating Violence
Holes punched in walls; screaming in my face; swerving the car dangerously; reading my diary; punching my little brother; ignoring my requests to leave; these were just a few of the warning signs that my high school boyfriend was an abuser.
Is my teen using drugs?
Being a parent is a job that we are not trained for. We learn as we go. It can be the most fulfilling and challenging job all at once. As parents, we naturally try and protect our children from harm, but sometimes, no matter how hard we try, our children may still not make the best possible decisions. The pre-teen and teenage years are often when adolescents try to find themselves, figure out their likes and dislikes, and experiment with different trends or hobbies. It is during this time that they may being to experiment with drugs.